Friday, November 16, 2018
The new Herndon Giant grocery store in Village Center at Dulles, 2425 Centreville Road, opened to the public on Friday, Nov. 9, replacing a nearby older Giant store. At its Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Giant Food District Director Jeff Lewis and Store Manager AJ Rashad cut the purple ribbon for store 2746 followed by the honor of presenting five donation checks of $1,000 each.
Three Herndon-related charities each received a $1,000 donation as did Fairfax County Fire & Rescue and Police Departments: LINK, Inc., supplying emergency food to people in need; Cornerstones, promoting self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other human services; and Herndon Children's Center, offering the community a positive, nurturing environment for children to learn, play, and grow.
On opening day, store manager AJ Rashad told the Connection how the new Giant differs from the old one. “One thing we are doing differently is demos seven days a week. We also have expanded organic and ethnic produce departments, twice as much as a regular Giant,” said Rashad.
Iobal Syad offered samples of ISWA Halal certified products: gyro cones, samosas and coco.
Coming into the store and looking around, Shanthi Sankarapandian commented, "It's very nice. The fruits and veggies look good.” TJ Wilson, one of the vendors who offered free samples said, "The fruit sells itself.”
According to the store’s website, Herndon Giant is opened seven days a week. Monday - Saturday, 6 a.m. - midnight, and Sunday 6 a.m. - 11 p.m. with the Pharmacy open all days until 9 p.m. Store phone is 703-437-3162.