Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Vote for Better Healthcare

The U.S. has the highest per capita spending on healthcare in the world, and yet many people in this country struggle to gain access to even basic care. Our healthcare system is broken. Healthcare needs to cost less and be made available to more people. Jennifer Wexton is the candidate for Congress who will work to make these things happen. In the State Senate, Wexton supported expanding Medicaid in Virginia. She supports coverage for preexisting conditions, which the Trump administration is trying to eliminate. She also supports allowing the government to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.

That’s a commonsense policy, but as a favor to the pharmaceutical industry the Republican-controlled congress won’t allow it.

Barbara Comstock may have voted against the failed Republican healthcare bill in 2017, but otherwise her actions in Congress have done nothing to improve healthcare and instead have made our healthcare system more broken. She voted to eliminate the independent board tasked with developing proposals to make Medicare more cost effective. She likes to tout her vote for the 21st Century Cures Act, but don’t let its innocuous name fool you; this is legislation designed to boost pharmaceutical manufacturing profits while reducing public protections against unsafe and ineffective therapies.

Healthcare is too important to be left to the likes of Barbara Comstock and the Republicans. Jennifer Wexton will fight to bring affordable healthcare to all Americans. She has my vote.

Jeannine Esmonde
